Tuesday, September 15, 2009


This will be short and I'm basically writing it as a way to procrastinate...I mean...take a break from studying for a few minutes. Don't really know what I will say so here goes.

Uhm. Okay. My life: Class, anatomy lab (usually 3-4 hours...ridiculous) work, homework, sleep, BCM. Thats about all I do.

I have yet to finish Sense and Sensability (even though its my 2nd time reading it so I technically have finished).

I started a notebook awhile back in which I just write down awesome Bible verses as I run across them and its actually been a really large blessing since I started it. I look in it when I'm having a bad day or something like that.

I started a prayer wall in my room...which I love. It's just a few things that are continuously requiring prayer. Includes quite a few missionaries, people I know going through difficult times, family issues, and the Invisible Children in Uganda (because that video has now successfully brought me to tears twice.) I'm trying to make it a point to pray over all these things every night.

My coke bottle from Einsteins today was in all spanish. I liked it.

My room is a mess.

I don't really care about the Women's Rights Movement, even though I've been studying it now for 2 hours.

I really want to go to India.

I really want patience and eyes to see that I have a mission field here so I won't be living just from one trip to the next.

I really want to see fruit in my life while I am here in Charleston.

Uhm...I really want to re-do my room. Its way to preppy for me. Gross.

I really really dislike my work but am trying to be positive about it so I'll stop complaining. I hate it when people complain so I'm going to stop. I'm blessed to have a job.

Okay I need to stop procrastinating. Back to studying. Sorry this post is lame.

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