Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Few Topics on my Mind

Topic 1: This is it folks. I finally found it. My weakness. Never thought I'd actually find one, but its there. Plain as day. Can't believe I never noticed before. A lot of people have issues dealing with theirs pasts. Things they've done or didn't do. Said or didn't say. Well, I am the complete opposite. I can not stop dwelling on the future. I don't mean like the normal college student worries about where they'll be after graduation kind of future. I mean EVERYTHING! It consumes my thought. Thoughts like "wow I'm going to be really sad when all the seniors this year to graduate and leave." or "Where am I going to live after this school year and who will I live with?" "What am I going to do this summer?" "When can I go back to Texas?" I am all about the future. And when I think of it this way, I begin to wonder if I'm missing anything that's happening right now. This occurred to me a couple of hours ago so I haven't had time to notice yet. But really, I think I need to try to better live in the "now" instead of dwelling on things that have yet to happen. So thats something I need to work on.

Topic 2: Some of you may know that one of my main goals this year is to get to know people I already know. People that I know fairly well. We hang out a lot. I see them a good bit. But I don't really know them. I don't know their story. So one thing I've been doing is simply getting coffee with random friends or even asking perfect strangers to tell me their story. For instance, one night a couple of weeks ago, I was giving a friend of mine a ride somewhere and her roommate wanted to ride along. While driving, I began just talking to her roommate. I asked her to...well...tell me her story. And she did. Just an idea of what this girl was like: this girl was very happy, very positive, smiled a lot, fairly talkative and seemed like an all around decent, normal, perfectly happy freshman at CofC. She goes on to tell me how her dad was actually a raging alcoholic who died from alcohol when she was in 7th grade. She grew up in that atmosphere and her entire family on that side suffered from the same addiction. She told me all sorts of stories from her childhood that, upon looking at her, you would have never guessed. Ever. I guess my point is that something I've learned more clearly than any schoolwork this year is that you never know what someone is going through. Strangers on the street, coworkers, people in your class. You never know what they're going through. So we should love everyone and show compassion for everyone no matter how "together" they seem on the outside.

And this girls story is just one example of many I've come across so far.

Topic 3: You know, I had an entire 3rd topic I was going to type about. But on further evaluation, I believe I'll save this one so it can have its own posting. Plus it's 1:45am and I have class at 9. So I'm going to bed. Good night all :]

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