Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So...Just figured that I would blog for a few minutes about some of the things on my mind...again. I like doing blogs like this. It's like a diary that you let people read, although some things are best kept secret.

Something I've been struggling with lately. It's just that prayer is such an important part of your walk with God. But it's so hard to do at times. Sometimes you're just at a loss for words and don't know how to say what you're trying to say and then you end up getting frustrated and it just turns into a big mess so you give up. Sometimes you pray for something so much, even if it is something selfless, and God's timing just isn't for you and He doesn't answer the way you'd planned. So you quit that too. The thing is...I believe that God wants us to pursue him with our prayers. Keep asking! Keep praying for that lost friend even if you feel like your prayers are hitting the roof! Leave it to God.

So tonight, after BCM, we went on this prayer walk where we split into different groups and went to different parts of downtown Charleston to pray. We prayed over the community, the campus, BCM, our families and friends, the world, and anything else that came to mind. I'm not really sure how long we were out there, but it was great. It was me and 4 other girls and we went to the battery to pray. For those of you non-Charlestonians, which is most of my readers, the battery is this walk that goes around the Charleston Peninsula and overlooks the ocean. It's really pretty. We went to the park at the battery and sat in the gazebo. And all we did was just sit there and pray about whatever came to mind or whatever we felt needed to be prayed about. We just lifted all of our concerns up to God. I think we often underestimate the power of prayer. Just sitting with those girls and listening to us pray was just a powerful feeling. If you think about it, you're talking to the Almighty God of the universe when you pray. Take a second to digest that. Prayer is a powerful, powerful thing. I often push prayer to the back burner of my walk but that needs to change. It should be one of the first things I turn to when I need help or guidance or whatever. I'm going to work on that.

If anyone reads this that went on the prayer walk in my group, thanks! It was helpful :]

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