Monday, October 13, 2008

When Comfort is Uncomfortable

I've come to the conclusion lately that I am way to comfortable....which makes me uncomfortale. I think it may come from all the way back to this summer at Wild Week. Just being there would shake you up! It put me on fire for God and then coming home...its not like I'm in a rut. It's just like I'm almost too happy? I just feel comfortable...Life is good. I love Jesus. And it's almost like I feel guilty for being this happy and content when other people aren't. I feel like I'm not making sense but oh well. It reminds me of the saying "I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all." That statement had a whole new meaning about a week ago but that's for a different blog. So in a nut shell, I've discovered I'm to happy. I need to hurt for others who are going through tough times. I need to feel pain for the lost people that I encounter every day and not think twice about. Why am I all of a sudden apathetic? Why does it not bother me anyomore? I'm too comfortable. I want to be disturbed and bothered by these things. I want to be uncomfortable. To me, that will be more comfortable because I'll know that's where I'm supposed to be.

Confused yet?

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