Thursday, July 10, 2008

Peace at Orientation I don't really know how to start but here goes anyway.

I had orientation today at the College of Charleston. If you know me at all or have read my blogs, you know that I've been struggling a little with my future and figuring out my major and all that good stuff. I originally planned to do pharmacy but changed my mind because with a job like that, you're tied down and I don't want to be so obligated because I want to be open to do mission work as much as possible.

So to the story got to the point today where we were supposed to declare our majors. I did something a little drastic that shocked my parents, my friends and even myself. I declared myself Pre-Med. Out of nowhere, hadn't really given it much thought. I just did it. I thought about it and if I'm a doctor of some sort, I'd be my own boss and have the freedom to take off to do missions as I pleased and its something that would be greatly utilized in the field. I've also been blessed with some great scholarships and I have some good connections at the local Medical school through my mom so I'd pretty much be stupid not to take advantage of these open doors!

Immediately afterwards though, I felt this overwhelming peace about me. Although I'm still shocked at myself for doing it in the first place, I feel like right now its the right thing to do. God just fitted all the pieces together and I'm so grateful and awed by how good He is.

God, I thank you so much for this breakthrough for me today. I pray for Your strength as I start school next month because I know I'll be faced with new challenges all the time. I pray that You will continually help me to draw closer to You and not become stagnant God. I also want to thank You so much for my friends here at home that are supporting me through it all and for my friends from WW. I pray that You will keep me close-knit with all of these awesome people and help them all to hold me accountable. I also lift up a select few of them to You who are embarking on journeys into new phases of their life as well and that You would place Your hand of protection over them and draw them continuously closer to You. Thanks again for all You do!

So I'm officially a Pre-Med student.
Thanks for reading guys. Love you all :]

1 comment:

Ash said...

I'm so happy for you :)