Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Reason for My Calling I've been meaning to write about this for awhile. I'm going to explain the events that led up to me deciding that I want to do mission work.

So...Let's take it all the way back to 7th grade! Most of you have probably heard me talk about this event that my youth group goes to every year called Big God Conference hosted at Myrtle Beach (which is pretty close to where I live). Well, I'm in 7th grade and it's my first year in the youth group, therefore my first year to go to Big God, therefore my first time to hear Ken Freeman speak. While he was speaking, I was sitting on the front row. I was terrified. Anyway, long story short, during one of the conferences, I felt such a strong calling to do mission work. I really can't explain it but it couldn't have been any plainer if God were sitting in front of me in physical form telling me that it was my purpose.

Many of you already know this part of the story, especially WW staff, so bear with me. Around my first few years of high school, probably up through the beginning of my junior year, I wasn't exactly walking the way I should have been. I made a few mistakes, nothing major...but I was pushing God to the backburner. I went to church but it was all in routine and it gave me a chance to socialize. I never read my Bible..or even took it to church with me. I was totally withdrawing from my faith and living exactly how I wanted to. So...Junior year was halfway through and it was time for me to go to Big God again. (This conference played a huge part in my life if you can't tell yet.) God really spoke to me this time and I began to change my ways. I would now look for ways to serve God. I read my Bible constantly and it became my strong hold. I found that as long as I was in the word, it made it a lot harder to stumble in my walk.

Later on, not sure exactly when, I ran across this verse that really spoke to me. That's putting it lightly. This verse knocked me off my feet. So naturally, I'm going to share it with you.

"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded..." Luke 12:48

Wow....I looked around at all this stuff I had. I looked at my house. I thought about my "stuff." I thought about what an awesome family I have! How I'm free to worship God in my country. How I'm free to do whatever I want with my life. I am just so blessed. I have so much in my life to be thankful for! How dare I EVER complain! How dare I ever be jealous of someone or get mad over little insignificant things. After I thought about it some more, I've been given a lot. Therefore, a lot is demanded of me. How can I refuse?

I became serious about serving God in whatever way I could...whethere it be on trips with church or doing things locally. Big God of my senior year comes along adn Ken Freman of course is speaking. He talks about something called Wild Week. And well, the rest is history. I go to WW, have an amazing experience, come home, and cry for 3 weeks and counting. I decided to do pre-med because the mission field is very wide for doctors. I still can't believe I decided to do that in the first place...but why cut myself short? I've been given this opportunity to go to school and not have to pay very much for it so why waste it? But that's my story. Hope you enjoyed or atleast got to know a little more about me.

Aside from all that, I need some prayer because for some reason, I haven't been in the Word like I need to be lately. I'm going to make a conscious effort though to spend some more time devoted to studying it. Thanks you guys. You're all great.

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