Sunday, July 6, 2008

I'm pretty new to this thing so forgive me if I break some unofficial rules of blogging.

So today was my first official day home from Wild Week...and it sucked. Wild Week, for me, was one of those things that just completely changed my life. It's amazing how God can use ordinary events and extraordinary people to just speak into your life so much that you feel overwhelmed that you're so blessed. It's almost hard to put into words. I just feel like I've drawn so much closer God the past few weeks and I really hate to get away from that atmosphere where I, along with so many great people, all came together with a common purpose for the Lord. It was this purpose that brought us so close. And now, I'm several states away from all of them and I'm back home with people that I don't feel I can really connect with anymore. It's hard because the only people that can relate are all in Texas and Oklahoma while I'm in South Carolina. Don't get me wrong. I love all of my friends here dearly! And a couple of them have been really supportive helping me adjust to the culture-shock of being home, but I just feel like the other friendships are so superficial now. (Thanks for that quote Whitney) I can't think of any other way to describe it. This summer has completely changed my outlook on my life and what I want to do with it which brings me to my next topic.

Up until Wild Week, I had this plan to go to Pharmacy school and graduate...and bla bla bla. But now, I've totally surrendered to God's will. I would love to do long term or full time missions but I don't know how to go about it so I'm faithfully waiting for God to open up some doors. (In the same way He did with Wild Week) My mom doesn't understand this. She's worried that I'm a naive little girl whose living in this fantasy world and doesn't understand the harshness of the real world. But she also has this mold that she's always, subconsciously, tried to fit me in. I really do believe she has good intentions and doesn't mean to do this but she does. For instance, she always wondered why I never hung out very much with the kids at my school. All they did was get drunk and have sex to put it bluntly and frankly, I hated being the DD. And she thought I was an outcast. I have a group of friends who are slightly different as in, piercings and tattoos and she doesn't like all of that stuff but these are great, God loving people, who have nothing but a positive influence on my life and she doesn't understand that. She doesn't mind these people. I mean she's not that closeminded but she's scared I'm going to come home with tattoos and piercings and she doesn't want me to. To put it simply, my independence scares her because she knows I'm going to do whatever I feel called to do. But she fussed at me all night and it turned into this big argument about me not being responsible and she thinks I'm not going to do anything that's going to support myself. Basically, I'm going to throw my life away. I'm not stupid. I know that if I wanna do long term missions, I have to save up a lot of money and I still plan on going to school, graduating, paying off some loans and then saving up. I just don't wanna be tied down with a job like pharmacy. I'd rather do something where I'm my own boss so I'd have that freedom to pursue missions if I wanted to. I just don't wanna be obligated to a job like that if God calls me somewhere. And that's my only point. I really like this blog thing. It's a great way to vent.

Oh...and she's freaking out because I really am getting a tattoo. :] I kinda like that she is though. Is it bad that I enjoyed her reaction? ;]

I miss so many people right now. I hate it. Wild Week is a big part of me starting this blog so you will probably see a lot of stories from it and a lot of references to it which shouldn't be a problem because most of my readers will be from there anyway.

Love you all. But it's 3 in the morning now and I need sleep.

1 comment:

Ash said...

I love you! It's crazy how we all have in some way faced the same stuff since we've been home. God has an incredible plan for you and that's so exciting! You're in my prayers!!