Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I Made a Horrible Mistake

I've done something terrible. It's true. I really REALLY miss Wild Week. But in the process of me coming home, that's pretty much all I've thought about or talked about. I also continue to talk about all of these amazing people that I met while I was there and I have, subconsciously, made a couple of my friends upset because they feel that I don't want to be here and that I'd rather be back with everyone else at WW. They feel that they somehow don't live up to the standards of my friends from WW. I am so so SO sorry for ever making anyone feel like this. It was never my intention. Ever! Yea...I miss my friends from Wild Week but its not so much that, but the atmosphere. It's hard to explain, but everything at Wild Week was "good." Life was "good" for six weeks. I didn't have any real life worries (well I did but I kinda pushed them away while I was there). I met some great people that I made lifechanging friendships with. But these friendships are a different kind than the ones at home. These friendships became really deep and really close because we were in this almost fantasy world for six weeks, all joined together under God's will. But I need to focus more on my friendships at home as well because these are the people that have been there for me my whole life. It's just hard coming back home to this culture-shock after being on a Jesus high for 6 weeks and the first thing that happens is you're getting it from all angles about your future. My mom, along with some other people have told me that I've changed. I'm not going to argue. My relationship with Christ is better and more personal now that it ever has been. Somehow though, my mom doesn't see this change as a good change. I don't know. Sorry, I got off on a tangent. But I'm not going to let her hinder God's plans for my life. Anyway, back to my friends. There are a couple of people here that I could not imagine my life without. These people are the ones who have been with me through everything you could imagine. They were there for me with this fight with my mom and they've been there for all the ones before. If you're reading this, you know who you are. I feel absolutely awful that I made you feel this way. I even cried over it a little because it seems that ever since last Wednesday night, when the WW staff took communion together, I've been able to cry over anything, whereas before, I never cried. I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. But just know that if you're in the group that I'm talking to, I do love you and I am truly grateful for you. If it weren't for you, I'd really have been in a mess having to come home. You've been supportive through the whole adjusting process and I really appreciate it. I would have given ANYTHING to let you experience all that I did while at WW because it was such a blessing. So please know that I am truly sorry and if I ever do that again please let me know. I love you both so much and I thank God constantly for putting you guys in my life!

1 comment:

Kristi Hanusch said...

"Shed a freakin tear!"
:P Miss you!