Thursday, July 17, 2008

Don't know what I'm going to write about

So...I don't know why I'm writing right now. Actually I do. Just because I feel like it. I don't have a particular subject to write about so I appologize if this is going to just sound like a lot of nothing. I'll probably just ramble for a while.

Yea...I'm sunburnt. And it hurts. The thing is I suck at putting on sunscreen so I always get most of my body covered and end up leaving random spots not covered so I get really wierd red spots. It sucks. Stupid hott lifeguards are to distracting. ;]

Let's see what else is on my mind right now. Oh! Thanks to Whitney, I'm hopelessly addicted to the book series "Twilight." I am now in the 3rd book and I just started the first one less than a week ago. It's ridiculously mind-consuming. I've also gotten a few of my friends here in on this addiction. Edward, even though he is not real, has raised the standard for all future guys that I date.

Kristi, Whitney, Levi,

I'm glad yall are getting to spend some time together this week! I just thought I'd let you know that I'm extremely jealous and happy for yall at the same time. I desperately miss yall more than you can imagine. Yall changed my life dramatically and I love all three of you dearly. I've had to accept the fact that I will not be coming to Texas any time in the near future due to hindrances family-wise (and I think yall know that story) and financial reasons and time issues since I'm working up until the week before I leave for school. So oh well. Wish I could but I can't. It's horrible...I know. But I have a feeling I'm going to need a Texas fix atleast on a yearly basis now and if I don't talk to atleast one of you every day I'm pretty sure I'll go insane.

Hmm...What else? Oh yea! I'm kinda happy right now because I have something to look forward to again and that is the fact that I leave Sunday to go white water rafting!!! That is one of my all time favorite things to do!!! So it should be pretty fun. I'm excited. :]

Oh...And I found this funny. You may not. But my mom is really technologically challenged and she thought she was taking a picture of me and a friend at graduation and instead she took this video. haha

I really miss my cousin Chaz right now. For those of you who don't know, we're really really close and I haven't seen him in over 2 months and he's on a youth trip right now and doesn't have his cell phone so I haven't talked to him in over a week. His birthday was Tuesday and I couldn't even tell him Happy Birthday. Sad right? Well, atleast he comes home Saturday. I believe I'm going to possibly go stay with him that night and spend some much needed time together. :]

One more thing and I'll stop rambling. I want my staff DVD soooooo bad!!! Everyone's seen it but me!!! Stupid South Carolina!!! Shipping takes forever! It better be here tomorrow or Hanna's going to have a come-to-Jesus meeting with the nice people at the post office.

If you just read all this, I commend you. It all is kinda pointless. But I feel better so it's okay.

I also really love my webcam and randomly taking pictures of myself on it. :]


Whitney said...

"It better be here tomorrow or Hanna's going to have a come-to-Jesus meeting with the nice people at the post office."

This made me laugh! I am so glad it came just for the postal workers sake. :)

White water rafting?! that's crazy! sounds really fun.
you wouldn't want to live in texas cause we don't have totally awesome things like that. we just have cows. lots of them.
i would say 'be safe' but i know you're perfect at like..everything. so i'm sure you'll be fine. :)

keep blogging! it makes me smile.
see -- =)

Anonymous said...

makes me smile too! Missing you Miss South Carolina! :) I'm glad you finally got your DVD! :)