Monday, October 5, 2009


I'm not entirely sure where I'll be going with this post. Just letting off some steam I guess. I hate hate hate being comfortable. I hate that I'm in a routine right now where I basically know exactly what to expect from day to day. I hate that I'm laying in a comforbable (relatively) bed right now when there are kids in northern Uganda that can't even sleep in their own houses for fear of being abducted and turned into a killer. I hate that these things bother me. Why can't I be someone that's okay not caring. Or that's content not wanting to help but saying good job to those who do. It must be so much easier. Why can't I be that way?

I was talking to someone yesterday about the movie Blood Diamond. It was on tv last week or something...I don't remember. But I watched it for the first time and I asked this person if they liked it. Their reaction was basically, no it was to sad. So I told them that I'd never made the connection that the movie had child soldiers in it and was similar to the Invisible Children documentary, except that the documentary was of course, real. I suggested that this person watch it and kinda briefly explained what it was about and they said "Oh no I don't think so." I was a little puzzled so I asked why not and they said these exact words "Seeing that would upset me to much." Wow. It was all I could do not to blow up in this person's face. And if this were any other person, I may have. It SHOULD upset you! It should bother you to the point that you want to do something. But no. People don't like that. It makes them uncomfortable to know that these things happen. That they're real. Must be nice to not care enough to avoid things that make us feel guilty. That make us feel like a bad person.

There is a chapter in the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan called Profile of the Lukewarm in which he says:

"Lukewarm people do whatever is necessary to keep themselves from feeling too guilty. They want to do the bare minimum, to be 'good enough' without it requiring too much of them."

Sounds about right to me. I'm guilty as well. I don't like seeing things that make me feel bad. Duh. But they're real. And it bothers me when people avoid them so they can live their little perfect lives here with their 2 story houses and nice SUVs and steady jobs. Oh my gah! America is in a recession! People might have to stop eating at Olive Garden every week now! Now I'm not making light of the situation. I know a lot of people are affected by this. A lot of jobs lost and that sort of thing. I just think that in the midst of this, we should realize how rich we really are and be thankful! We don't know how good we have it even now when a lot of us are at our rock bottom. We're still so blessed compared to most!

Okay I'm stopping my little rambling complaint about America now. I need to go to bed. I'm trying this whole new lifestyle thing involving less caffeine and more sleep so wish me luck. We'll see how it goes. Despite the angry post above, I love you all. :]

1 comment:

Audrey Marie said...

keep your discomfort. it'll push you to some amazing places... :)