Friday, August 15, 2008

Here's to the Class of 2008.

So...this weekend, everyone is leaving for school. All of the people I've been around my entire life are all leaving and scattering across the state and all along the East coast tomorrow. And a few hours ago...I would've said I don't care because I'm so ready to get out of Florence. (Even though my stupid school doesn't move in until next Saturday.) Anyways, like I said...I was fine. Then, a few hours ago, I talked to a good friend of mine, Hunter. He was packing up and getting ready to go to Clemson tomorrow. Sometime in the middle of talking to him, it hit me. Oh wow...everyone really is leaving tomorrow. I don't know when the next time I'm going to see all of these people is going to be. Truth be told, there are only a very small few that I'm actually close with and actually care about but still. These are the people that I've been around almost every day of my entire life up until this summer. We're all going separate ways..and I won't have a car because freshman don't take cars to my school because you don't need them so I won't get to come home very much. Then...for the first time in a while...I cried. Not just over Hunter but just the fact that everyone is really going. We've talked about how excited we all are that we're done with high school and finally getting out and it's just hitting me that it is finally here and it's actually happening. And now I'm sad...not at all because I'm leaving...God knows I'm so ready to go! But because everyone is going off and doing their own thing. So anyways...good luck to all of you who are leaving and those of you who are staying and those of you who are coming with me! If you're not, I'll miss you dearly! Here's to you WF class of '08!

I'd like comments on this..but if you leave me some kind of crap like "its time to move on" or "it'll get better soon" or something like that, well...lets just say don't. haha Thanks for reading...if you did.

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