Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Peru Post 3

This is actually the last bit I wrote over the trip but it's a lot so I may not type it all right now.


Haven't written in awhile.  Been busy/exhausted.  So time to catch up.  Sunday after church our teams got together and planned out what to do for the week.  On Monday, we went to a village called...wait for it...Usibamba!  My new favorite word ever.  We went to an elementary school there and taught in a few of the classes.  It didn't go quite as we'd planned.  The idea was to do activities with the kids but they were all pretty much unresponsive.  Very very shy.  After that day, we were pretty discouraged.  Oh and before I go on, lets discuss the car ride.  We are in our journeyman John's truck.  It's an old, purple, standard truck that feels every single bump on the road. And the road we take to the villages is HORRIBLE!  We have a full backseat and LB and I share the front. (Not to comfortable but quite the bonding experience)  The ride is about an hour...maybe a little more.  Anyway, so we drive all the way back to Huancayo to eat supper at the church.  After supper, we go all the way back to a pueblo(village) near Usibamba to show a Jesus film/talk to the villagers.  It's night by the time we get there and the Plaza, where everyone was supposed to meet for the movie, is empty.  The room we were going to show the movie in was also locked.  So...Karis, LB, and I all really had to pee.  We'd already figured out, however, that we'd rather squat down somewhere than use the actual "bathrooms."  So we walk to the other side of the Plaze (which we spent a couple of hours cleaning earlier by the way haha) and we find a semi light place...and we pee.  so we finish our little bonding experience and walk back to the truck.  Now this place is a ghost town.  No one is around.   And it's cloudy so its really really dark.  So we're back at the truck.  Where are the guys?  We don't know.  We call them a few times, all with no answer.  At this point we're freaking out just a little.  (Well Karis isn't...but LB and I were.)  The truck was unlocked so we decided to hop in the back seat together which ends up being a little scarier than being out in the open.  We're sitting in there probably for 10 or 15 minutes and I hear a noise that scares me a little.  Turns out its just a pig outside.  So after reciting the Lord's prayer a few times, we hear the boys walking up.  We then jump out of the car and yell at them for a few minutes. It was pretty scary...but that's not the end of the story.  So we all walk over to the other side of the plaza just to look out over the view of the mountains for a minute and on our way back...John's flashlight happens to shine on some was a little Peruvian boy. the dark.  I'm pretty sure that after that we terrified the poor little thing.  John was shining his light in his face asking him all these questions and whatnot.  Poor thing.  Anyways...we eventually left because no one showed up for the movie (more disappointment) and we had an after thought.  If that little boy had been there...he probably saw all 3 of us squat down and pee in the plaza.  Hmm...

The next day we went to a town that I can never remember the name of.  We had a much larger group of kids there that ranged from the little ninos all the way up to teens.  We changed up our plans a little.  It was great!  At the end of the games and activities, we asked the kids why they thought we were there and then got to share with them about Jesus.  They asked some crazy questions!  For example:
>Why are there rich people and poor people?  (This was a LITTLE kid...probably 8 or so.)
>Why did Jesus have to die?
>Why are there so many unbelievers or atheists?

Wow.  These were children!  We were pretty blown away by their curiosity.  After that, LB and I actually did use their bathrooms.  Blech!  It's amazing the places God will call you to pee.  So late ron when the kids were out of school, we brought out 2 soccer balls.  Everyone, children, teens, even a few adults, played in this big field with us! (covered with poop I might add)  It was so fun!  But we did have to stop occasionally to let sheep, pigs, cattle, etc.  pass through.  Soccer at like 13000-14000 feet will kill you!!!  I've never felt so out of shape in my life!  My lungs are used to Charleston!  Below sea level!  This altitude is so bad that we're taking hot showers now just to breathe in the steam. 

Oh! Forgot something.  Got a little altitude sick today during one of the classes.  I thought I was going to throw up but I never did.  Bad feeling :/  Hit me like a wall!  But I got over it.  After all that we went to the hotel and napped til dinner.  Then went to a nearby mall but only got to stay for about 30 minutes.  Then we had "family time" with the whole group.  We shared stories about our weeks thus far.  It's weird but I feel like the only people I see are the ones on my team so family time was good.  Got to see everyone else.  I enjoyed it a lot!  

That's a good stopping point for now.  I'm tired of typing.  :]

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